As many of you know, I love to talk all things poo! I am obsessed with the bacteria that control every aspect of our physical selves. They can be our greatest allies and activate our highest health potential OR they can be our biggest hurdle to optimal health.
This year I have been to a three day conference on the microbiome and I got to meet Rob Knight (squad goals!!!) who is mapping our microbiome. PLEASE check out his TEDtalk (it changed my life). I have also just attended a full day seminar on persistent pathogens (think chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and Lyme’s disease to name a few).
The emerging research and understanding of our vast microbial community (it turns out we’re only 1-2% human) is the greatest medical discovery in the past 150 years!
If you suffer from:
- Food allergies/sensitivities (eg. dairy gives you a runny nose)
- Gas or bloating
- Bowel issues (such as irritable or inflammatory bowel, diarhhoea or constipation)
- Thyroid or adrenal issues
- Lowered immunity
- Fatigue
- Joint pain or arthritis
- Skin complaints
- Mood issues (anxiety,depression, ADHD)
- Trouble losing weight
then it’s more than likely your microbial community is having a rowdy party.
If you answered yes to any of these symptoms, then I’d like to invite you to a talk at my Mt Lawley clinic on Tuesday 8th August (details below).
Come and discover:
- The most common symptoms of a disorderly gut community
- What is leaky gut (estimated to effect 80% of us – yikes)
- What are the causes and triggers of leaky gut (there have been over 11 000 studies on it)
- The best foods for your microbes
- Supplements that remove (rowdy house-guests) replace and repair (beneficial bacteria).
- The various diets and their pros and cons (is Paleo all it’s cracked up to be…?)
I also want to hear from you.
- What are your biggest roadblocks to better health?
- How do you keep motivated to stay on track?
If optimising your health, gaining more energy and having glowing skin is something you’d like, then this is the event for you.
Please join me for a fun, informative evening (with a few treats thrown in).
When: Tuesday 8th August
Time: 6 – 8pm
Where: 772 Beaufort St, Mt Lawley.
Your investment: $27.95
How do I book?: Follow this link: Why love your guts?
Space is limited so bookings are essential.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 8th. Yay!
Yours in good gut health,